Why You Should Avoid Social Media During Your Divorce

0835723001645800965.jpgIf you’re like most people, you probably have at least one social media account, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or otherwise. Many people even spend hours each day scrolling through their feeds. That being said, if you are currently going through the divorce process or you are about to, you should strongly consider avoiding the use of social media at least until the resolution of your case. Please continue reading and reach out to the Law Offices of Katherine K. Wagner to learn more about why it is best to avoid social media during divorce.

Why You Should Avoid Social Media During Your Divorce

There are several reasons you should avoid social media as you navigate the divorce process, however, the main reason is that anything you post can be used by your former spouse and his or her attorney in the courtroom setting. Even certain posts that you may believe are innocent and inconsequential can be taken out of context and used against you.

To start with the obvious, it is never good to “trash talk” your former spouse on social media, or to talk about your divorce at all. Judges look down on this behavior and it may ultimately have a negative impact on the outcome of your case. You should also know that anything you put in writing, such as in texts or emails, is most likely considered admissible evidence in court. If you need to vent about your divorce, do so in person with a close family member/friend or a therapist.

Additionally, posting pictures of you on vacations, eating fancy dinners, or even pictures of you having a drink with friends may be used against you in certain cases. For example, if you’re seeking spousal support, yet you post a picture of a brand new car you just bought, your ex may argue that you don’t truly need alimony.

Certain pictures or posts may also impact your child custody agreement. For example, a picture of you having a drink at a party with friends may prompt your ex to allege that you have a problem with drinking, even if it isn’t true.

The bottom line is that, like with most other legal matters, it is best to simply refrain from posting until your case has concluded. Even after your divorce is finalized, you should think twice about what you’re posting, as your ex can still use what you post to request modifications to your initial divorce agreement.

Contact the Law Offices of Katherine K. Wagner

Do not face complex divorce and family law matters alone. With over 25 years of experience, the Law Offices of Katherine K. Wagner is dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and skill your case deserves. We will fight to protect your rights, your financial security, and your children. Contact the Law Offices of Katherine K. Wagner today for a consultation.

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